San Francisco
California, Here We Come/Came/Cometh?
April has been and gone and an appalling long period of time has passed since we’ve posted an update. So here we are, in the throes of packing suitcases for our first trip home – naturally, the best time to maniacally bust out some musings about the last couple of months in SF.
Snow White and the Seven Casinos
For those counting down at home (*Cough* Mum *Cough* Mama *Cough*) we’re over a quarter of the way through our 2-year visa. And only Satan himself knows what will happen to foreigners if Mr Trump is elected. George has been doing bootcamp so he’ll be totally fine if we have to start building a wall – but I’ve got a dodgy neck and shoulder. Will Donald be doing ergonomic assessments? I, for one, am very much looking forward to spending some quality time in sunny Canada where the poutine is fresh and the Prime Minister (the political woman’s Mr. Darcy) is a dreamy feminist… Truth be told, Saturday mornings consist of me watching a…
Hulk chocolates, Minnie Driver and February sunshine!
It’s the middle of winter here in Northern California… Vitamin D levels? Awesome. Proximity to Zika Virus? Not so much.
Queuing for Fortnightly Fairy Bread
The last time I looked at the calendar it was early November. Turkeys were frolicking freely, pumpkins nestled against warm pie crusts and marshmallows were melting atop mashed sweet potato. (Let’s just quietly add this to the ‘Culinary Crimes I Shan’t Partake In, You Foodie Heathens!’ list, shall we?)
To Dye, To Weep, Perchance to Eat
A-type female guilt and self-flagellation has set in as I look at the date of my last post and realise an entire month has passed since I massacred the English language with the overuse of adjectives, alliterations and puns. But no apologies! Just promises of bonus updates, more photographs than a Kardashian Instagram feed and of course, unnecessary side thoughts in brackets. In unsurprising recent news, the Australian accent has apparently been derived from the drunken slurs of our forefathers. That’s about a surprising as some bloke named Sasha winning The Bachelorette. Or so I’ve heard. I firmly live in the realm of Good Morning America now. But it does go some way to explaining…
The Holy Grainola
When ‘cereal’ (and I use that term very lightly) such as Marshmallow Froot Loops or Star Wars Light Saber Bites adorn the supermarket shelves, sometimes you’ve got to take matters into your own hands before this glorious country successfully bestowsType II Diabetes on you. Granola is surprisingly easy to make, with the only time-consuming part being baking in the oven at low temp for an hour. And full credit where it’s due – this recipe has been adapted from the amazing Healthy Chef, Teresa Cutler – Here is her original recipe. A Berry Delicious Granola Recipe Ingredients 200 g rolled oats 150g almonds 150g pecans 50 g freeze-dried raspberries 50g desiccated coconut 50g chia seeds…
Multi-Time Zonal Birthday Fun
It’s no coincidence that if you add ‘c’, ‘h’, ‘e’ and ‘s’ to MUNI (San Francisco’s Municipal Railway) you get ‘munchies’. And boy, didn’t my poor mother witness her fair share while visiting our new city… For reason’s unbeknownst to our family, my mother is an magnet for the illicit. If there is something unsavoury, illegal or weird occurring on any street, in any city, in the entire world, it will occur 2 metres away from my mother. Move over Murphy. This is #MarysLaw. This all began about 15 years ago while walking with my father and friends from a theatre performance in the CBD to their car. A young hoodlum approached Mary (and not…
Our Pumpkin Patch has a Turkey Farm
Hypothesis: Facebook/Uber/Google-wunderkinds are benefiting most from the tech-boom. Empirical Evidence: Organic dog treats in cafés, vegan dog food at the local restaurant, canine day-care & professional dog walkers while owners are at work funding the inflated rent for apartments overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, that the dog lazes around in all day. Conclusion: In my next life, I’m coming back as a golden retriever in San Francisco.
Too Many Backpacks, Not Enough Brunch
Having completed my wardrobe transformation from A-line dresses and patterned stockings to jeans and flats (I have yet to succumb to Seinfeld attire of accessorising with sneakers), the North Californian transformation is coming along nicely. Currently sipping my surprisingly decent macchiato in a shared-workspace/coffeeshop in the CBD, while the megaphonic voices of activists protesting climate change outside are making me feel right at home.
A Blank Canvas
A mere 885 days after ‘We should live here!’ was uttered while honeymooning in California, George & I put our extensive Lego and designer shoe collections into storage and purchased one-way tickets to San Francisco. It is not often that we are able or inclined to displace ourselves from a life that is established and familiar, to start life anew – a blank canvas comprising of nothing but an E3 visa, an overpriced 1-bedroom apartment and whatever you can squeeze into 130kg of luggage (22 pairs of shoes, 8 dresses, 5 skirts, 2 recipe books and a kaleidoscope of peplum tops & cardigans, for those wondering).